Pet Stain Eraser PowerBrush After Cleaning Care | Support - Manualsee

Pet Stain Eraser PowerBrush After Cleaning Care | Support

To clean your machine between uses, follow these steps below:

  • Turn Machine Off
  • Sit machine upright on a flat surface and remove dirty water tank
  • Empty Dirty Water Tank by opening the plug and emptying the contents
    • Rinse Dirty Water Tank under water and set aside to dry
  • Remove Formula Tank by grabbing both sides and pulling outward
  • Remove Suction Lens by raising latch at the top and pulling outward
  • Rinse Suction Lens under water, wipe any debris from the front of the machine
    • Let dry
  • Put Suction Lens back onto machine
    • Attach front lip to front of the machine by the brush roll, rotate lens towards machine until it clicks into place
  • Put Formula Tank back onto machine until it clicks into place
  • Put Dirty Water Tank back on machine by aligning the bottom of the tank with the hook on the machine
  • Rotate the tank forward until the latch has clicked into place


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