CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Manualsee

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual

 [email protected]

Please read this manual .carefully before you set this timer. DO NOT plug in any appliances that the load exceeds 1800W/15A. DO NOT attempt to repair, disassemble or modify in any situation. We designed this timer for indoor use, so please make sure the timer is dry and far away from water.

1.Install Setup

Press the reset button “R”. Then the screen will show the reset display, as the picture shows below.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Install Setup
1) If the screen is blank, please plug the timer into outlet for 30 minutes to charge the internal battery first. 2) After reset the timer, all the programs & settings will be deleted.

2. Set the digital clock

a. Day Setting
While holding the “CLOCK” button, press the “WEEK” button to adjust the day you want. ” (eg: adjust to Sunday .)

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Day Setting
b. Hour Setting
While holding the “clock” button, press the “Hour” button to adjust the Hour you want. (eg: adjust to 8:30)

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Hour Setting
C. Minute setting
While holding the “clock” button, press the “MIN” button to adjust the minute you want. (eg: adjust to 8:30)

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Minute setting
d: Sec Setting
While holding the “clock” button , press the “DEL” button to adjust the sec you want. (eg: adjust to 08:30:20S.)

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Sec Setting
Note: Press the “MIN” and the “DEL” button at the same time, you can switch the AM&PM 12H/24 hours display mode, and when in 12-hour clock, the top left of the screen will shows AM or PM.

3. Set the Timer

a: Press the “PROG” button, you will see “1ON “shows on he screen (as the picture shows) eg: If you want to set the first group of “ON” time is MO~FR 8:30

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the PROG button
b: Press the “WEEK” button to adjust the day you want the timer “ON” for the group, as the picture shows, the screen shows MO~FR days

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the WEEK button
Note: The group will advance in the sequence of : MO→TU→WE→TH→FR→SA→SU→MO TH WE TH FRSA SU MO TU WE TH FR SA →MO WE FR→TU TH SA→MO TU WE TH FR SA→MO TU WE TH FR SA SU

C. Press the “HOUR” button to adjust the hour you want the timer “ON” for the group. Keep press the “HOUR” >3S, The hour fast adjust. (eg: we set the hours is 8)

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the “HOUR” button
d. Press the “MIN” button to adjust the minute you want the timer “ON” for the group. (eg: we set the minutes is 30)
Note: Press the “MIN” button one time, the minutes will add 1 minute, and press the “MIN” button more than 3s, the minutes will add rapidly. preen the “DEL” button can cancel/ recover setting time.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the MIN button
e. Follow the a, b, c steps, the time “1ON” for the group is finished. Press the ” PROG” button aging, the screen will shows “1OFF”, and please repeat the b, c, d steps to set the off time “1OFF” for the group.
Note: Please don’t forget to press the ” WEEK” button to adjust the day you want the timer off, thanks.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the PROG button aging
f. Continue to press the “PROG”, you can set the other groups if you need, you just need to repeat the b to e steps to set more timer groups. Note: you can set up to 20

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Continue to press the PROG
g. You can press “clock” button to return the clock time when you set the groups, and you also can press “PROG” button go back to set the timer group. Note: You can press the “DEL” button to cancel the or restore the settings.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - press “clock” button
CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Warning or Caution iconPlease don’t set the overlapped ON/OFF time for the different timer groups!!!

4. Manual Operation

Independent programming is possible to advance the next following switching command at any given time and turn the timer “ON” or “OFF”, so that make your appliances working as you want. After you press the ” MODE” button, the screen of the timer will shows below: OFF: Always off (Timer function disabled, the outlet always turn off) AUTO OFF: Auto mode (The outlet is turn off at the current time) ON: Always on (Timer function disabled, the outlet always turn on) ON AUTO: Auto mode (The outlet is turn on at the current time)
CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Manual Operation

  1. When the mode from OFF change to AUTO, the screen will
    shows “AUTO OFF”, and the outlet will turn off until the next turn on time comes, the outlet auto turn on, then the timer will works exactly as you programmed.
  2. When the mode from ON change to AUTO, the screen will shows “ON AUTO”, and the outlet will turn on until the next off time comes, the outlet turn off, then the timer works exactly as you programmed.

5. Daylight saving Time(Summer time)

This function will adjust the current clock time of the timer an hour ahead of time it adapt to daylight saving time.
a. Set the daylight saving time: Press the “HOUR” and “MIN” button at the same time, there will has a “s” shows on the screen. And the current clock time will add be one hour ahead of time.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the “HOUR” and “MIN” button
b. Cancel daylight saving time: Press the “HOUR” and “MIN” button at the same time, the “S” will disappear, and the clock time will move back one hour, and the daylight saving time is cancelled.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the “HOUR” and “MIN” button

6.Anti-theft Random Function

  1. The timer can operate a plug-in appliance with random ON/OFF while you are away from home, it can simulate the scene of you are at home to give your home a linden impression. This function is especially useful during you are not to home.
  2. When the timer is set random mode, it will turn on and off your appliance randomly for 10~42minutes variation based on the turn on and off schedule you set.
  3. The random function can only working when the timer is set finished, and the timer in auto mode.

Set Random Function:
a. Check and make sure the program has been set, and the mode is AUTO mode. Note: If the timer is not in AUTO mode, please follow 4&5 section to set it up.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - program has been set

b. Press the “WEEK” and the “HOUR” button at the same time, there will has a “R” shows on the screen, and the random mode will start.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the “WEEK”and the Hour button
Cancel the random function:
Press the “WEEK” and the “HOUR” button again at the same time, and the “R” will disappear, and the random function will be cancelled.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Cancel the random function
7.Countdown Function:

This function allow a plug-in appliance to turn on and off with a countdown timer. The user can set the duration time of the countdown(1sec to 99h 59min 59S).
1. Press the “WEEK” and “DEL” button at the same time to set the countdown time, the screen will showing “dOFF0:00 00”.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Press the “WEEK” and “DEL” button

2. Press the “MODE” button to switch the dON and the dOFF for the countdown function. (as the picture shows) Note:
a. The dON mode is the status of the countdown function turn on, after the countdown time finished, the mode will change to “AUTO OFF” mode. b. The dOFF mode is the status of the countdown function turn off, after the countdown time finished, the mode will change to “ON AUTO” .

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Display on off

3.Set countdown time:
a. Press the “HOUR”, “MIN” and “DEL” button to adjust the hour minute, sec for countdown time.
b. Press the “HOUR”, “MIN” and “DEL” button for more 3s, the hour ,minute or sec will add rapidly.
c. Press the “WEEK” button can cancel/recover the countdown time setting.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Set countdown time

4. Countdown Operation Manual
a. After the countdown time setting finished, press the “PROG” button to start the countdown.
b. In countdown working status, press the “PROG” can pause or continue the countdown.
Note:1.If in dON mode, the countdown finished, the output will change to off (AUTO OFF mode) .
2.If in dOFF mode, the countdown finished, the output will change to ON (ON AUTO mode).

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - countdown working status press the PROG
5. Cancel countdown mode: You can cancel the countdown at any time, press “WEEK” and “DEL” button at the same time, the screen will shows back to clock time, the countdown mode be cancelled.

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet User Manual - Cancel the random function


  1. How long is the warranty for this timer? We offer 12-month limited warranty on this timer. if your time is broken or any other problems, please email your order number and describe the issue. we will deal with a full refund or arrange a new replacement after verification. we believe what makes us different is not just the product but also our outstanding customer service. we also believe the buyer and seller can achieve a win-win outcome through mutual effective communication.
  2. What should I do if I am having trouble with setting up the timer?

Documents / Resources

CFGROW Digital Timer Outlet [pdf] User Manual
Digital Timer Outlet, GET06A-US

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